Feb 2, 2012

PPSS Body Armour's CEO being shot testing new bullet proof vests

Robert Kaiser, CEO of PPSS Body Armour is demonstrating the exceptional high performance of our truly outstanding 1.65kg light and 6.5mm thin CV1 covert bullet proof vests, certified to NIJ Level IIIA + certified protection from Tokarev Ball 7.62 x 25mm and Makarov 9 x 18mm. Robert is being shot by live ammo from 9ft/3m distance using Glock 19 (9x19mm FMJ 124gr).
+ 10 Joule of stab/knife protection
+ unmatched protection from hypodermic needles.
+ using only the very best high performance materials available.
+ using OUTLAST temperature regulating space technology... making it the ultimate choice for hot and humid condition.
+ especially developed for executive/diplomatic security, sky/flight marshals and dignitary's/VIP's.
Contact: info@ppss-group.com or +44 845 5193 953