Apr 27, 2011

Russia to test 90 new types of weapon in 2011

MOSCOW, April 25 (Xinhua) -- Nearly 90 types of new weaponry will be tested in 2011, Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday.
The weapons include Iskander-M, S-300, S-400, Tor-M2 and Buk missile systems, Panzir-S anti-aircraft missile-and-cannon complex, Smerch missile volley-fire system, as well as intercontinental ballistic missiles, Interfax news agency reported.
According to the ministry, the tests will be held in the Kapustin Yar testing range in Astrakhan region.
Some 350 missile launches have been conducted from Kapustin Yar last year in the interests of Russian, Algerian, Azerbaijani, Belarussian, Vietnamese, Venezuelan and Myanmar armed forces, the ministry said.