Jan 18, 2011

Night vision just the beginning for Army technology

The PVS-7 and PVS-14 night vision goggles are the latest generation night vision technology from the U.S. Army. The goggles allow the Warfighter to spot infrared illuminators not visible by the naked eye.
SAN ANTONIO -- Night vision technology developed by the U.S. Army now allows the American warfighter to own the night.

The PVS-7 and PVS-14 are third-generation binocular and monocular night vision goggles currently being used by the Army Infantry Soldier. The goggles have evolved significantly from previous generations as the Army continues its effort to empower, unburden and protect the warfighter.

The improvements to the products are a result of the partnership between the fighting force using them in combat and the Army science and technology community.

"Our biggest asset is getting feedback from Soldiers in the field. Our engineers modify technology after working with the warfighter to critique it in a manner that will be more beneficial to them in several different ways," said Tony Tice, with the Operations for U.S. Army Night Vision Lab.

"We want our Soldiers to own the night," he added.

The evolution of night vision technology has resulted in the PVS-7 and PVS-14 having increased durability, less weight, batteries with extended power and length of life and an improved ability to distinguish objects in the field of vision. The goggles run off two AA batteries rather than previous versions which ran off of battery packs resulting in heavier equipment.

"I used something similar way back when I was in the Navy, but it was nothing compared to these. The binoculars I had were heavy, but nowadays, they are quite light," said Gary Korzec, a resident of San Antonio visiting the All-American Bowl, Jan. 8.

The goggles are part of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command's Army Tech Zone display within the Army Strong Zone at the Alamodome. The displays, along with an extensive outreach effort, are part of the many activities surrounding the U.S. Army All-American Bowl, which was played Jan. 8.

"We all appreciate the warfighters, but seeing this technology really gives you a sense of what they do for us. And it's an honor when they share their appreciation to us, too," Tice said.